OUR Pilates Studio

The GRATZ Equipments

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The reformer offers all Pilates core-building benefits and more. The resistance of the pulley and spring system offers more resistance than what you get with just your body weight on a mat.


The smaller surface of the chair offers a range of great and advanced stability exercises. The spring systems add on to the challenges.


You’ll achieve even better posture and coordination than you would with a Mat or classic fitness core routine with Cadilac machines.


For clients to achive a better confidence working on ground before moving on to more challenging apparatus such as the ladder barrel.


Ladder barrel helps with achiving great spinal articulations.  Most beneficial to clients with very stiff backs from a long day of sitting jobs!


A marvelous way to challenge your cardiovascular fitness without compromising into your weight bearing joints such as hip and knees. Beneficial to Heavy/ Overweight clients.

Our Pilates Studio Purposes

We believe in healthy movements for everybody. No one should be restrited by pain to move and grow stonger. Our qualified physiotherapists &  trainers will bring you a safe while intense exercise programs to strengthen your body from inside out.

  • Exercise programs should be prioritised to safety. This focus is infused in everything we do.
  • For beginners, we always stick to the foundation pilates while as you advance, we will always offer a revolutionary work out that elvove with your capability.
  • We believe by helping you getting stronger, it empowers and helps you regaining your confidence and hence your life.

Benefits of Pilates

Strength & Flexibility

Focus & Challenging



Pilates exercises develop a strong “core,” or center of the body. The core consists of the deep abdominal muscles along with the muscles closest to the spine. Control of the core is achieved by integrating the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle.


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By emphasizing proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, and concentration on smooth, flowing movement, you become acutely in tune with your body. You actually learn how to control its movement.


ilates is also an extremely flexible exercise system. Modifications to the exercises allow for a range of difficulty ranging from beginning to advanced. Get the workout that best suits you now, and increase the intensity as your body conditioning improves.


Clients with neck or back pain has often benefited from Pilates through stronger Core Stability and increased flexibility in their bodies.  Pilates taught them on how to achieve deep breathing that helps with blood circulation and hence increases their ability to concenrate better throughout the day !

Private/ Clinical Pilates

A tailored individual class is best for beginners, clients with body conditions that required rehabilitation purposes or even clients who have been doing Pilates for a while and wished to advanced futher.  The flexibility of the each Pilates apparatus has over hundreds designs of exercises that would allow us to regress or progress on your workout flow.





RM 230

Per session

RM 2100

10 sessions

RM 4100

20 sessions

Duet Pilates

If you would like to share the fun of doing a Pilates class with your friends or loved ones, a duet class is catered for you.  Not to worry if you both have a different level of fitness as our instructor will always work together with you to achive your goal and at the same time provide you with some modifications in the workout to make it easier or to challenge you. The class is kept as a maximun of 2 participants.   





RM 250

Per session

RM 2300

10 sessions

RM 4300

20 sessions

Group Pilates

Our group class are mainly mat based with some variations of pilates equipment circuits workout  sometimes. Maximun participants are 4 to 5 people in a class.  It’s advisable for beginners to join our beginner package before enrolling to a goup class to enhance the experience during the class.  This class is also not advisable for clients with conditions  who is looking for rehabilitation purposes.

Group and Prenatal Pilates Classes in Kuala Lumpur




RM 90

Per session

RM 800

10 sessions

RM 1400

20 sessions