Migraine & Headache
Difference between Migraines and headache is basically migraine is a more intense form of headaches that involved sensitivity to lights, pain behind your eyes or ears and also vomiting.
Headaches often start as pain in your neck that gradually spreads upwards & progresses from the back of your head to then reach your temples, face, forehead & eyes. They may be associated with dizziness or nausea.
- Nausea or vomiting
- Stabbing or shooting sensation around
temporal area - Limited of movement of the cervical spine
Physiotherapy treatments for Migraine & Headache?
At PhysioPilates Clinic, our physiotherapist will perform a thorough assessment
- Ergonomic
reeducation : It is very often thatdesk bound job nature tends to putstrain in the neck and shoulder area due to the slouched and poke chin posture for long period of time contributing to muscle fatigue and tightness. We educate you the correct posture on your work desk. - Exercises: Poor posture causes weakness in the
stabilising muscles at the front of your neck & your upper back. We will teach you specific strengthening exercises tooptimise your muscle length & movement patterns as it is important to strengthen these muscles to make sure you keep correct posture &minimise the risk of future problems. - Dry needling targets to relieve the tightness and tension build in the neck muscles trigger points. We may use this technique to improve
range of cervical motion and decreasing tension in the associated muscles.