Your Pain Control

The Western Acupuncture

Dry Needling involved an invasive method by using  thin filament needles and inserting it to your trigger points. Physiotherapists will first assess and locate your trigger point and proceed with using this method to release deeper muscles trigger points which are difficult to reach . Dry needling is also a technique that has shown to be one of the most effective procedures for releasing trigger points.  It is a complementary treatment technique as it is often performed in conjunction with other techniques such as manual manipulation and home exercise program.

Trigger Points

A myofascial trigger point is a palpable nodule, which is a localized area of extreme tenderness found within a muscle. Trigger points are referred to as “active” when they cause noticeable pain without provocation, while “latent” trigger points elicit pain only when manipulated by your physiotherapist.  A heightened trigger point state of muscle activity that results in a small sustained muscle contraction will cause the area tender, it may also sometimes cause pain over a large area and affecting your daily functional activities.  After a prolonged period of time, a taut band develops that will not relax volitionally.

Does Dry Needling Hurt?
Dry needling involves solid filament needles (similar to those used in acupuncture), which are placed into the trigger point to produce a local twitch response (LTR).  The needles are very thin and rarely felt entering the skin.  The LTR is therapeutically essential for treatment, because it is followed by a period of reflexive relaxation of the muscle. When a person experiences a LTR, they will often feel a cramping sensation or discomfort in the referral pattern of the muscle lasting a few seconds.  Studies have also shown that when the increased tension in a trigger point is resolved, other trigger points within the pain referral zone may resolve as well.
What do I expect after the session?
Most patients experience soreness after needling, which can last anywhere from a few hours to 2 days.  It is suggested that patients use moist heat to decrease this soreness.  In addition, it is imperative that patients move the body part recently needled to decrease any soreness.
How many sessions do I need?
It really depends on the chronic nature of the trigger point and other contributing factors. It commonly takes  at least 3 sessions for patients to experience results.
What should I do after the session?
Drink plenty of warm water , apply moist heat and exercise! Your physiotherapists will advice accordingly on your exercise program depending on your conditions.
What conditions can be treated with dry needling?

Dry needling works best with trigger points and hence its best used to treat myofascial and fibromyalgia pain in the body. Patients with muscles tightness related pain or injuries pain from atheletic activities will be benefiting from this treatment. Common problem such as headaches, migraines, musculoskeletal pain are recommended with this treatment.


Muscular Pain Relief


Headaches and Migraines

Treament Sessions


Shows Improvements

Success rate with pain management with these conditions.

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